Michael Boyd
ISSA Certified Elite Trainer

My Certifications

ISSA Master Trainer

The ISSA Master Trainer credential is awarded only to distinguished ISSA Certified Trainers who have proven their competence in personal training and developed expertise in five additional areas of concentration through specialization certifications. This esteemed knowledge means personalized programs and targeted results for any type of client.

ISSA Certified Master Trainer

ISSA Certified Nutritionist

Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or live healthily, your limiting factor usually lies beyond exercise. Poor nutrition is what holds people back. As a certified specialist in this area, I can help you dispel the common myths about nutrition, and then work with you to design a \"real world\" nutrition plan that you can actually stick with and enjoy.

ISSA Performance Enhancement Specialist

ISSA Youth Fitness Trainer

Countless studies show that children and adolescents today are in worse shape than at any other time in recent history. As a certified youth fitness trainer, I understand how timeless fitness and training principles apply specifically to kids and teens. I can help them train safely and knowledgeably for their age, boosting their confidence and giving them a stronger and brighter outlook on life.

ISSA Certified Yoga Instructor

Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor

ISSA Certified Glute Specialist